교민상식 Tips
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7. How do I choose a real estate brokerage?

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7. How do I choose a real estate brokerage?

Before you submit your application for licensing to RECBC, it must be signed by the managing broker of real estate brokerage who has committed to engage you.
To find a real estate brokerage that is a good fit for you, visit brokerages in your geographic area and talk to the managing broker, to find one with a fee structure and corporate environment that suits you. All brokerages have their own ways of operating, so you should ask each of them what makes them different from the others. A phone call or email to brokerages might be a good first step in approaching them.
   Find real estate brokerages in your area using RECBC’s online Licensee Search.
You may change brokerages at any time once you are licensed, but you must tell RECBC before you make the move, so that your licence can be amended. You cannot provide any real estate services unless you are engaged by a brokerage, and any business that you conduct must be done in the name of and on behalf of the brokerage with which you are engaged.



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