교민상식 Tips
분류 부동산

2. Will I meet the “good reputation” requirement to become licensed?

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2. Will I meet the “good reputation” requirement to become licensed?

The Real Estate Services Act requires applicants for a licence to be of “good reputation” and not “been convicted of an offence for a reason that reveals the applicant as unfit to be a licensee”. To determine whether applicants are of good reputation, RECBC requires you to:
   answer questions on the licensing application about your general business and personal reputation, including any bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings
   provide a criminal record check with your application, and
   disclose information about any criminal convictions and charges under a federal or provincial enactment, or under the law of any foreign jurisdiction, including any conditional or absolute discharges.
Depending upon the circumstances and your recent record, having a criminal record is not necessarily a bar to licensing, but RECBC will need to review the information carefully before deciding whether you are eligible for licensing. Please also provide a statement explaining the circumstances that gave rise to any convictions or charges as well as copies of sentencing documents. If RECBC has questions, you will be contacted and asked to provide further information.
In the case of summary conviction offences unrelated to employment, an application for licensing will not be considered until the completion of sentence, parole, probation or payment of fine. Where summary conviction offences are related to real estate employment, application for licensing will not be considered until at least two years after completion of sentence, parole, probation or payment of fine.
Longer waiting periods are imposed for white collar crimes and for indictable offences, whether related or not related to employment. For further information about these waiting periods, please contact RECBC or review RECBC’s Licensing Guidelines.
If you have concerns about your eligibility for licensing, review RECBC’s Good Reputation Guidelines. If you still have questions, you may wish to seek legal advice.



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